Q11. Is there any recommendation you would like to make that will make our community better.?
Oct 6 A clubhouse or gatherings for greet & meets so everyone could get to know everyone and help foster a more neighborly vibe. Everyone has such a large parcel people don’t even know their nextdoor neighbors it seems.
Sep 28 Getting together as a community, not the same people that show up all the time. I understand that at 5 o’clock the last thing you want to do is socialize. You just want to go home. We can get a lot of entertainment ideas and implement them on the weekends. Maybe get the police to talk to children about bike safety. I like movie night in the park. Organize a card playing night. A casino night.
Sep 24 ********************** UNPROFESSIONAL REPONSE
Sep 22 no recommendations because I know that they will get ignored..
Sep 21 Stay focused on keeping River Country Estates a premier community.
Sep 19 Raise HOA fee to help maintain the community. Can we build a community center in the park that residence can rent out for discounted price and offer to outside for a fee? That could help raise money for River country.
Sep 19 No. I think it’s going in a good direction.
Sep 16 Less negative people, be more neighborly. Don’t be a hammer.
Sep 13 More community events at the park.
Sep 13 I would like the budget to include installing a walking trail/path in our neighborhood since we do not have sidewalks and it’s unsafe with the speeding traffic.
Sep 12 I hope that people realize that the new board is not sue happy at all. That being said, the deed restrictions have to be followed and enforced. That’s part of an HOA. There is no favoritism any longer and I’m glad about that. I hope people will ask the board members if they have a question, not go on social media and ask someone that is not even a member of the HOA. We have a great community and I like the changes.
Sep 11 Congrats on neighborhood Facebook page!
Sep 11 No
Sep 11 I believe detached garages would bring a lot of money into the community. People that have money want these things and that is why woodland waters does so well. I think it would create room for toys and trailers and make the community look cleaner. We all have large lots for this so why it’s not an option makes no sense to me. I specialize in land development and been a land broker since 1999 Lots of buyers with a lot of money opted to go other places because of the restrictions on detached buildings.
Sep 11 No
Sep 3 Events to get the kids involved and meeting each other. Craft, drawing, painting activities. Have the kids dress up for a Halloween contest and another for dogs for a costume contest. Have prizes donated. Christmas party in the park with cookie exchange. Everyone brings a cookie and everyone goes home with one of each cookie and new recipes? Maybe Santa could hand out gifts that the parents brought ahead of time and if there are parents struggling some can be donated by others in the community. The parents could make a wish list for the kids and we’d just make sure at least one gift was donated for that child. Something for seniors in the community who don’t have family to help them with fixing something around their place that they can’t afford to get fixed. If there was a sign-up sheet for those type of things. Talent show? Something the seniors would enjoy, I’m sure. When its cooler though LOL
Sep 3 Greater responsibility of the owners of undeveloped lots. On Floral Drive, my neighbor ( a senior with limited income) lives next to an overgrown lot. Over the years she has been unsuccessful in having owners take care of the overgrown trees and bushes, both dead and live. Perhaps this should also include rentals where the landlords are not maintaining the same. All of this, of course, is a greater concern hurricane season.
Aug 16 We love our community. Neighbors helping neighbors is alive and well on Floral Drive.
Aug 14 First thought is finding a way to shut off ****** on Facebook, she really just can’t help herself and sucks in innocent victims while sucking the life out of the community. Love the community outings, nice to see everyone coming together, hope to see more of that in the future.
Aug 14 Have 1 Facebook page that an HOA official is admin Patrol more
Aug 13 Picnic table in pavilion
Aug 13 Fire the lawyers
Aug 13 wish we had sidewalks traffic too crazy on main streets going too fast and running over lawns
Aug 13 Let people do what they want. As long as there is no trash the place isn’t a pig pen, leave people alone. Remove your opinions from making decisions on someone else’s property. Does it meet guidelines? If so, approved. Your opinion should not be factored into the decision.
Aug 13 I would like to see the golf cart issue resolved.’ Also, how about a game morning or afternoon in the park… chess, checkers, cards, board games etc.?
Aug 13 Committee is doing good considering they have spent the time cleaning up other committee’s crap.
Aug 13 Yes. Turtles have the right of way on our streets. Thank you for all you do Steve and team. Outstanding job.
Aug 13 It would be cool if 1 night a month we could get a food truck to come to the park
Aug 13 Allow sheds. Leave people alone. Try communicating with facts and stop favoritism.
Aug 12 I think communication is key. I feel the communication has gotten better in recent months and the new Facebook groups are great. Continuing to have positive communication and community events/meet-n-greets are awesome! Maybe setting up community projects where we come together as a group to help someone. Maybe help a resident who is struggling, maybe helping differently abledcommunity members feel more integrated. I think helping someone else is always a great way to bring people together.
Aug 12 Just some get togethers so I can meet my neighbors. I have met one person in the community.
Aug 12 Resolving the shed issue.
Aug 12 When it comes to fireworks, only allow in a couple of areas, away from pets and put a time limit…say no later than 10 pm. This is just a suggestion, as there are many dogs in our HOA
Aug 12 Fourth of July fireworks in the park would be nice. I’d support a fundraiser for that.
Aug 12 Clearness….